Extraction Post Operative Instructions

Before you leave the surgery, we will make sure that bleeding in the extraction site has stopped. If bleeding continues after you have left the surgery, please call the surgery.

You may have difficulty feeling your lips, cheek and tongue due to the numbness. This is temporary and will wear off within 2-3 hours. Please take care not to bite your cheecks, tongue and lips. Aviod hot drinks until the. numbness has worn off as you may burn your mouth.

Some discomfort is to be expected following any surgery but most patients report that the discomfort is manageable.

Main Rules

You can eat whatever you feel like eating as long as chewing is done on the opposite side to the extraction socket. Many patients find that eating soft food is more comfortable.

Brush your teeth normally. Go slowly when approaching the surgery site as not to disrupt the healing tissue.

Avoid smoking, spitting or rinsing for a few days if possible as this will keep the blood clot in place. This improves healing, reduces discomfort and risk of dry socket.